CelebriDucks Rubber Ducks

Rubber Ducks Made in America

Thank you for your interest in our company. CelebriDucks is the original creator of the first ever collectible celebrity rubber ducks of the greatest icons of film, music, athletics, and history. We have produced CelebriDucks for the NBA, Major League Baseball, the NHL, NASCAR, NCAA Collegiate Mascots, and also people such as KISS, Elvis Presley, The Blues Brothers, The Wizard of Oz, Mr. T, Shakespeare, Betty Boop, and many others.

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Our rubber ducks have also been successfully given away at major league sporting events and have been sponsored by companies such as Reebok, Dr. Pepper, Gatorade, AOL/TimeWarner, Southwest Airlines, Arby’s, Adidas, Mountain Dew, Chevrolet, Sprite, Dodge, Clarinex, Suburu, Pepsi, Office Depot, Toyota, Sierra Mist, and many others.

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ESPN ran a poll on their website for the fan's favorite stadium give-a-way and CelebriDucks won, beating out Bobbleheads, Beanie Babies, Pez Dispensers, Lunch Boxes, and Match Box Cars. We invite you to become part of our rapidly growing family of collectors who adore one of the world's universally loved icons, the rubber duck. When good taste in fine bathing is desired, I hope you will think of our CelebriDucks to enhance your bath time experience!