Blue Bloods Tom Selleck – CelebriDucks Debut

Tom Selleck CBS

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Blue Bloods CelebriDucks Debut

CBS called us a few months back about getting some CelebriDucks for the Tom Selleck hit show Blue Bloods season finale last Friday night. They wanted them to be on the desk of a quirky character in the police station. Wow, that was fun seeing the ducks sitting there! I am hoping that the ducks continue on for Season ten. We’re fortunate that our ducks seem to get a lot of media exposure just because they are so much fun.

When they were first on The Tonight Show, I did not even know ahead of time, but certainly did the next morning! Jay even ordered some out of a catalog so they were on the show again the following week. Conan’s folks called us when Mr. T was on to get one our Mr. T rubber ducks for the show. That was really fun watching that one as T had such a good time with the duck even humorously threatening to come looking for me.

I have watched Family Jewels with Gene Simmons when he has had them on many times. In fact he even gave a set of KISS ducks to someone who found his daytimer on one episode. Someone wrote me once to tell me about our James Brown duck in one of Spike Lee’s movies. The list goes on. In fact, the popular Netflix streaming show, Nailed It, spoke with us last week about doing a CelebriDuck show with the contestants making a donut to resemble a particular CelebriDuck. Some of my fondest memories are actually about the celebrities who call here to chat or visit and often want to see about getting a duck done in their image or to just express their enjoyment of what we do…………but I maybe I’ll save those stores for a future article!